B.B.A. Retail Management or Bachelor of Business Administration in Retail Management is an undergraduate Retail Management professional degree which is awarded after successful completion of a three years program or course of study in the field of retailing that includes principles of retailing, retail operations, etc. B.B.A. (Retail Management) degree covers the study of different parts of a retail operation including buying, marketing, merchandising, operations, inventory control, personnel and finance. The topics include, retail supply chain management, store location and management, retail customer service, quality, accounting, marketing and computer technology, etc. The full degree course consists of six semesters in which the first four semesters are common to all the B.B.A. programs and the last two concentrate and focus on the specialized subjects and topics related to the Retail Operations and Management.
B.B.A. Retail Management Eligibility
B.B.A. Retail Management Course Suitability
How is B.B.A. Retail Management Course Beneficial?
Syllabus of Retail Management as prescribed by various Universities and Colleges.
Sr. No. |
Subjects of Study |
1 |
Basics of Financial Management |
2 |
Business Ethics & Corporate Governance |
3 |
Business Communication& Professional Ethics |
4 |
Business Economics, Theories and Applications |
5 |
Business Statistics |
6 |
Customer Relation Management and Customer |
7 |
e-Commerce |
8 |
Entrepreneurship & Small Business |
9 |
Fundamentals of Computing |
10 |
Human Resource Management |
11 |
Introduction to Business Accounting |
12 |
Introduction to Financial Markets |
13 |
International Retailing |
14 |
Introduction to Materials Management & Production |
15 |
I.T. in Retailing |
16 |
International Trade Business |
17 |
Legal Aspects of Management |
18 |
Management Principles and Practices |
19 |
Mall Management |
20 |
Management & Control of Cost |
21 |
Management Information System |
23 |
Organizational Behaviour |
24 |
Principles of Marketing |
25 |
Project Management |
26 |
Quantitative Techniques in Management |
27 |
Research Methodology |
28 |
Retail Branding |
29 |
Retail Concepts and Environment |
30 |
Retail Selling Techniques |
31 |
Rural Retail |
32 |
Sales and Distribution Management |
33 |
Shopper’s Behaviour |
34 |
Store Operation Management |
35 |
Supply Chain and Logistics Management |
Jaipur, Rajasthan
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